Various ways are there for e-commerce product optimization where photo clipping path, image cut out, product shadow adding, doing color corrections, and adding alt tags are in the hotlist.
What Importance Does Optimized Images Hold?
Suppose you visit a marketplace to buy something, you get in the shop and see a variety of good looking products with nice labelling. Now the product you are looking for is not clearly visible, what would you think at that instant? Any other substitute of that product catches your fancy due to the labelling and clarity, which one would you buy? You must have got the answer.
Same is the case with e-commerce portals that showcase a large variety of products and give you the privilege to explore the site. Strong imagery has strong information to provide to the viewers, so switch to e-commerce product optimization in order to gain potential customers. Also, such pictures drive more traffic and the sales are boosted. Let’s take a look on the factors that contribute in the success of product image optimization:
Background Removal or Image Cut Out
A white or plain background plays a major role in the product image optimization. Any product that has a distracted, old, torn or unwanted background is not taken as a good image in the eyes of the viewers. Try to tweak the products using the photo cut out feature and export the object to a clean new background. Also, you can list your products on the platforms like Ebay and Amazon if the background is white. Let’s enhance the images and add some sort of professionalism to your work.
Resize the Images
The guru mantra to optimize the images is resizing them to make the loading speed of the site faster. Also, small images don’t look good and people perceive the big images as better one. Since camera quality matters in the image quality, in the post-production phase you can modify the images so that they fit in perfectly on the site. For the proper e-commerce product optimization, consider resizing the images for good.
Add Zoom Feature
Use the photo cut out feature to optimize the images and shift the objects to a new background. To create a better view, add the zoom functionality so that people can view the object with a close eye. E-commerce platforms have a feature to add this function so why not avail it? Other than image cut out, photo clipping path also holds an important role where the images are removed from their backgrounds and added on a new background with better effects.
Shadow adding in the images makes the object look enhanced, realistic and more natural. Natural shadows look good but they are not always available as you might shoot the pictures at night. So in this case, you have to add artificial shadow to add a subtle depth in the product image. Right from the production phase to post-production phase, drop shadows are used that act as a natural medium to add a sense of elegance and realism.
The Last Word
The time that you spend into optimizing the images must not cost your business. Everything takes time and modifying the images to make them look better demands a lot of efforts and time. Because the pictures should be amazing and professional, I would suggest taking the services of a reliable photo editing company that assists you in creating an award-winning presence in the online world.
Create exceptional photos and take your business to a whole new level…
Clipping Path Office is an outsourcing company dealing in all the Image Editing Services like: Clipping Path, Photo Retouching, E-commerce Image Optimization.