Social Media is a great outlet for all those who wishes to gain more fandom in less amount of time. Think about it for a moment, what could be better than a platform where people from all over the world come together, check their news feed daily, like, comment and share stuff. How much can this kind of platform benefit you? This is serious stuff guys and it is important to think about it. If not social media then what do you think can help you out in marketing your ecommerce store or a blog. Its all about social media.
Now, there is not much that we would like to tell you about the platforms that can help you in the process. The ever-twined Facebook and Twitter, these are the 2 platforms that are highest selling platform in current times. There is no denying the fact that you can also come across some thriving new ideas such as Instagram and Pinterest but let’s be fair, they haven’t reached the standards of the former two channels.
You can’t even remotely imagine how much FB and Twitter can benefit your website. Moreover, some of the sellers have only created their FB store i.e. having a page on Facebook where they make routine updates of the products and services and interested people buy those.
Now the most important thing is that you communicate via images, videos and very seldom via audios. Imagery is the most approachable source to reach the customers through Social Media. So there will be some rules of imagery that can pick you out from the crowd and present you to a larger audience. That’s what we are going to discuss here in this article.
Framing and Composition-
First things first, social media is not about displaying each product individually on the page. Its about creating market and it will be created when you will take less space and show more. Its like creating a bulletin board where you nicely place some of your best products in one frame. The amalgam of the products have to be in such a way that they can attract maximum customers. It will surely vary as per the taste of your designer and social media person but you have complete say in it.
What we suggest is that you bring the ideas to life. Suppose you are in selling furniture products, don’t you think it will be the best if you use some of your product and create a live environment for it? The picture must speak for itself and it must be so expressive that even a glance of it can create amazing impression on the minds of the viewers.
You cannot create great environment without epic background. Trust me, it is vital to work on the background of the images. Let’s continue with our former example in which we were saying that you need to make the image communicative. In order to best display the furniture products, you need a background of a room. It is not necessary that you have to draw all the products to a highly impressive room and then proceed with the imagery. Thanks to the tons of photo editing software and the ever-admired Adobe Photoshop, you can easily create great backgrounds and make your image pop out as if its in real.
Things like lighting and all are more required when you are getting the pictures clicked. These are not product images that you will need a photographer for it. But yes, for the product images that will be displayed on your web page, you will surely require a photographer and photoshop editor. They will help you in cooking best of the images that can actually generate some sales for you. It is all about the skills that you possess. You need to have an eye for the images that will go on your social media page. Those images should have the allure to attract the viewers.
For social media imagery, the requisites are fewer than the product imagery for your website. Since social media need collages and not individual uploads, you can create faux backgrounds and add fancy products in the front and create the environment that will entice the viewer.
Hi, This is Geetika Bhasin. I am a professional content writer with years of experience in researching, improvising and supplying content to my far-fetched clientele. I am fond of writing articles and stories and when I am not doing so, I will be reading or driving.