Product pictures are the highly important part of every e-commerce website and to make them look stunning every online seller puts lots of efforts and uses various techniques of the Photoshop. He always thinks to apply best on the pictures to get the best results. Where there are many available techniques there is also a technique named watermark which is for the time is the most confusing question in the photography. It is the most debated topic as some considered it the way to build the credibility of the websites and others considers it as the distraction for the consumers. Now the question arises whether to use watermark or not? Let’s reach to the conclusion with some more discussion
The main idea behind using the watermark is that enforces to the online sellers to use the watermark is that if you they use watermark then people can easily recognize your product among many and if they like your work they can easily find you based on the information provided by you. The other relevant point which favour using watermark is that it prevents others from using any of your picture illegally. It does not matter that you are a beginner or the professional you really need to know the certain useful aspects which explains you the way of using the watermark in your images. Let me make you aware of some of the most important tips on using the watermark on the images with the help of Photoshop. These tips are explained below:
Go with the simplest one
Watermark is the way of the adding text or logo on your pictures and I want to suggest you to go with the simple one which is easy to make and is very easy to recognise for the customers who want to follow your brand. You can go with the watermark which contains copyright symbol of your brand. This symbol may be the symbol of your name or your business name that is your choice totally. Keep this thing in mind that using contact information is not mandatory to build the watermark.
Make it small and pleasant
The other significant advice for the watermark users is to keep your watermark small and pleasant. The main purpose of the watermark is to act as recognition of particular brand and you can easily make the people aware of your brand by using even small symbol of your name then by using big watermark that will ruin your image look.
Use contrast
Using contrast is the most workable idea for creating the magic in your images. You can also use this idea for making your watermark look impressive to the viewers. The most successful option of contrast that you can use for your images is you can use black text for the images having the lighter coloured background and can prefer the white text of the watermark of the images having the dark backgrounds. Using this type of contrasts will make your images and watermark look dazzling and beautiful to the eyes of the customers.
Use your business logo
Many people use their business logo as the watermark for their images. No doubt this is the good idea but only when your business logo is not too artistic in looks that creates difficulty to interpret the information in it for the viewers. If your business logo is simple and easily displaying the information then you can ideally make your business logo as your watermark for your image inventory.
We reached to the conclusion that watermarks holds an important place to make you recognized in the public but you have to use these tips to have watermark exactly that is described to make it very effective.
Hi, This is Geetika Bhasin. I am a professional content writer with years of experience in researching, improvising and supplying content to my far-fetched clientele. I am fond of writing articles and stories and when I am not doing so, I will be reading or driving.